Monday, November 30, 2015

Sheila G's Brownie Brittle Tryazon Party

I hosted this Thanksgiving at my home and after our feast, I introduced Shiela G's Brownie Brittle to family and friends.  I was sent several complimentary bags from Tryazon in exchange for an honest opinion of this product.  Each person that tried the dessert LOVED it!  It has a nice crisp texture and a rich, chocolate flavor with very few calories. 

For the recipe, I made Brownie Brittle Toffee.  Recipe is as follows:

Brownie Brittle Toffee
  • 1 bag (5 ounces) Brownie Brittle
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

    1. Line a 9 x13 pan with foil. Lightly spray with cooking spray. Place Brownie Brittle in a single layer on bottom of pan, start with the large pieces and then fill in the gaps with the smaller pieces and crumbs. Set aside.
    2. In a 2 quart sauce pan, melt butter, sugar, water and corn syrup, until sugar is melted and all combined. Increase heat to medium, stirring frequently, heat to a temperature of 290 degrees (hard crack stage on a candy thermometer)
    3. Remove from heat and carefully pour evenly over Brownie Brittle. Let sit for 5 minutes then sprinkle chocolate chips over top of toffee layer. Let sit another 5-6 minutes, until chocolate chips start to melt. Spread melted chocolate evenly over top of toffee. Sprinkle with chopped pecans.
    4. Let candy completely cool. Lift candy out of pan using foil. Remove foil and place candy on a cutting board to cut. Using a sharp knife, cut candy into squares. Store in an airtight container.

    Brownie Brittle is only 120 calories per ounce, so it makes for a wonderful dessert (even for those who are watching their calories)!  Brownie Brittle can be found in more than 20,000 stores.  For a location near you, visit

    For more recipes using Brownie Brittle, please visit  And right now you can order on their website using code DEC25 to receive 25% off your order!  #tryazon #browniebrittle 

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