Monday, August 24, 2015

Tryazon's Simplify-It Party

Today a few close friends and I met for lunch at a local park and I brought some food to share using Collapse-It food containers and Flip-It caps for dispensing salad dressing.  I explained to friends of mine how easy these products are to use and how they can simplify their life.  After the food was eaten and the bowls emptied, it was so easy to collapse them down into a fraction of their size and transport them home.  The Flip-It caps made dispensing the salad dressing very easy, even to the last drop!  The Flip-It caps can be purchased at using code Tryazon to save 10% off all kits.  Collapse-It storage containers can be found at Amazon, Costco and Sam's Club. 
 #tryazon #simplifyit